Monique Pascal (from Australia):

Clint was a country boy from a poor large family. Life was difficult for his parents, trying to feed there 4 children and maintain the 2000 ha. cattle farm. His father was a large man and had very high expectations of all his children and if they didn’t do what they were asked of, he would lock them in the barn at night with no supper. After many years of abuse, he set out on a journey to find happiness, he was a compassionate man, as he well knew the effects of a harsh hand and abusive words, yet his eyes showed that the little boy within was suffering. Times were tough as he had no money or work, so he travelled from farm to farm to seek work and refuge. After many weeks, he came to a farm in Carolina, which was owned by a lovely family of 5. They quickly took to this man, as they also could see his sadness. He worked hard, digging holes for the fencing with the owners 2 sons, whilst their mother and daughter merrily cooked in the kitchen. As the days went by he became very fond of their daughter, a slim blond, blue eyed girl. They spent every day, after he had finished his chores, sitting under a tree eating scones that she had made or riding the horses through the lush green valley, his heart grew fonder of her as each day passed.
It was 1862 a year after the start of the civil war and Clint (that’s the name I have given him) felt it was not safe for them to stay at the farm any longer. Together they packed up a wagon with supplies for their long journey to freedom and a life together. Sadly when they reached Tennessee they were attacked by the confederates and his wife to be was brutally killed. Clint managed to escape, he was tired and week, his skin was sallow and the sadness and pain of his childhood and the loss of his woman was burnt into his soul, rendering him a man of inner torment for the rest of his days


Mauro (from Italy):
Quest'uomo è nato a Baltimora, Maryland, il 21 dicembre 1940.
Suo padre era di origini italiane, un ingegnere chimico che lavorava per i militari.
Il primo di 4 figli, una sola sorella.
A causa dell'asma sofferta da questo personaggio, tutta la famiglia si trasferì in California.
Questa fu solo una dei numerosi cambi di residenza, e quindi scuola, amici.
Sicuramente tutti questi cambiamenti non furono di giovamento al nostro personaggio, il quale, una volta adulto, cominciò a mostrare segni di alienazione verso il mondo circostante.
Trovò sfogo delle proprie pulsioni e ispirazioni nella musica e dopo numerosi esperimenti stilistici trovò il miglior espressionismo artistico nel rock, che in quegli anni stava prendendo sempre più piede.
Fondò un gruppo, con il quale potè comporre pezzi estremamente eterogenei, ma sempre con atteggiamento ribelle, volgare, provocatorio e dissacrante.
Nella sua carriera artistica produsse molti lavori importanti che lo resero, nel suo ambiente, estremamente famoso, ma il suo carattere non cambiò mai.
Polemico e provocatorio fino alla fine, che giunse inesorabile per un cancro il 4 dicembre 1993.
A questo personaggio, daremo il nome di Frank.

Penny Everhart (from Yadkinville, NC):
I am an ARTIST. I live to bring my ideas and my beliefs about the world around me to you. Why do you wonder about the color of my skin or what I may look like? I am what you see within my art. I live to give you meaning and understanding of the small things in life.
Close your eyes and think of the world as a canvas and you hold the brush in your hand. How would you paint it? Would the struggles in your life influence what you placed on the canvas? Would the land,the sea or home influence what you placed on the canvas?
I am but one and I want you to see what I see as beauty or struggle in this world. One has only to look at my art to know who I am.

Cile Bailey (from Mandeville, LA):

Born to Sarah and Tom Brown, Josh was the youngest of seven children. Tom and the three older boys were never home as they all had to work long hours in the coal mine just to put food on the table.
Sarah never had time for Josh and delegated the job to his sisters. Anna was eight when Josh turned four. That was his first memories of childhood. She was fun and liked to play with him, but if it looked like she was having too much fun, other chores would be given to her. Josh hated to be left with Beth . She was only twelve but looked more like his mother than a sister. She had much more important thing on her mind tan taking care of Josh. like that Bill Murphy that would come hanging around.
So Josh spent hours alone playing on the dirt floor with make believe toys. Should he get in Beth's way she would call him a brat and send him to the other room alone.
One day his mother came home with a big box. He remembered how excited everyone seemed. They pulled out the dresses first and held them up to their bodies , dancing and singing. Josh knew they were happy, and that made him happy.
The box was dropped out the wagon of the carnival people , who had just pulled up tents and were heading East. Sarah had the good fortune of finding it and quickly snatched it up .
Josh remembered one thing they pulled out was a mirror. He heard them laughing while each took turns looking into it's reflection. He had never seen a mirror before and was excited about getting a turn. Poor families did not have such luxuries. Instead of hanging it on the wall they simply tossed it to the trash after the good laugh.
He was smart for four and had darker skin than anyone else in his family, but his hair was light, unlike them also. He knew that because when he was given a haircut the golden locks fell on the floor.
After all the house was bust cooking, he went over to the trash and pulled out the mirror. What he saw was shocking. Tears formed in his eyes and the watched them roll down his face. He knew from that moment , his face looked nothing like anything he had ever seen before. Not knowing the word distorted or deformed made no difference, because in his heart he knew.
The rest of his childhood seemed like a blur. He became withdrawn and the towns people called him an idiot. Everyone seemed to be glad when he was out of site.
Josh grew and filled out. His shoulders were hard and his skin brown from the sun, as they kept him in the fields doing manual labor. He had never seen a reflection of himself again. If he came near a water pond, Josh would look away as to be sure and not have to see his ugly face.
Loving animals, because they could not judge or hurt him ,they became his only happiness. Growing up to be a simple soul , one might call him a self taught gentle giant.
One day he was cutting wood for the long winter that was about to come blowing in any day now, he heard a small voice. Caught off guard he swirled around just in time to meet the eyes of a little girl. He frightened her with the sudden movement and she frightened him . Both their eyes were stunned and big as saucers. He wanted to run and hid, but something made him stay in the place where he stood. The pretty little girl , so soft and sweet looking, smiled at him.
That was the beginning of the odd friendship. They met in secret and she taught him how to read. His mind was a sponge and soaked up all her knowledge. She would sneak books to him and he would read them all.
One day he wanted him to take her to the carnival that had come to town. His mind went back to that horrid mirror and he grew cold and tense. The girl gripped his big leather hand and gave him a little tug . He knew he could not refuse her , so they went .
Feeling strangely at home, he found himself laughing until he saw the house of mirrors. She was pulling him closer and closer. His heart raced. Now standing in front of the mirror that had taken his life away so many years ago, that same mirror was about to give it back to him.
The two of them stood there , hand in hand laughing at the distorted shapes they both had become. Now you know the rest of the story.

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